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We need your support!

We need your support!
Benefits of Volunteering
Make lasting impact on the families and infants we serve, and learn about benefits of breastfeeding and breast milk.

Absolutely No Experience Needed!
Colostrum Coalition staff and volunteer leaders will teach you everything you need to know about the benefits of breast milk, the history of systematic racism in healthcare industry – Learn about skills, training, and resources available to counteract negative treatment and prenatal care. As a new part of our team at Colostrum Coalition, we will all work together to provide advocacy and support to any parent/guardian seeking optimal nutrition for their infant.
what to expect

Academic Credit for Volunteering
Check with your school to see if they will reward volunteer time for Academic Credit with Colostrum Coalition! We are a 501c3 nonprofit) and meet the requirements for High School and College Credit. Earning credits for volunteer work is a great way to learn about real-world settings while making a valuable difference in communities.

School Partnerships
We provide a short Educational Enhancement Program for high schools, vocational schools, and community colleges – virtually or in-person presentation. Our goal is to give students information about African American History in regards to breast milk that is otherwise unavailable in most educational institutions. Each Educational Enhancement Program can be tailored to your school’s needs. Please contact

The first steps to becoming a volunteer at Colostrum Coalition is to fill out an application and attend a volunteer orientation. Held twice a month virtually, the orientation will provide you with more information about volunteering and allow you to ask about our volunteer policies.
Step-by-step Application
apply now
Fill out and submit an online Application.
Read and sign the Volunteer Agreement.
Schedule a virtual orientation with the Volunteer Coordinator.
As part of our team at Colostrum Coalition, you can sign up for events on our Calendar Page.
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